Video Advice » Dating Channel Q & A Videos

Can I date multiple people at one time? (1:32)
The Definition of Dating (2:06)
How can I know for sure if someone is the right person for me? (3:57)
How do I communicate my boundaries to someone I'm dating? (1:55)
Is it wrong for a woman to ask a man for a date? (2:04)
Is it ok to marry for security and companionship if you are not in love? (4:46)
Do you think for each person there is one person out there that they are supposed to marry? (4:24)
How important do you believe physical attraction is in a dating relationship? (3:29)
What do you think about dating someone of a different faith or belief system? (1:46)
What are your thoughts about group-dating? Pros and cons? (2:40)
How does dating differ from courtship? (2:26)
How important do you believe physical attraction is in getting a date? (4:23)
How do you know if a man loves you or is just stringing you along? (2:51)
What are some of the deal-breakers when choosing a spouse? (3:21)
How young is too young to get married? (2:04)
How does a person know they are ready for a good relationship? (2:38)
How do I break out of a pattern of being attracted to men who don't return my feelings? (3:11)
How do you know when it is time to let go of a dating relationship? (3:08)
Can you give me a few phrases to use to dump someone after a date or two? (2:51)
Where can a woman in her early twenties find a nice man? (2:33)
What do you think about inter-faith relationships? (2:13)
If I want to try a reputable internet dating service, what should I look for? (1:36)
In a dating relationship, where do I draw the line physically? (2:57)
Why do so many men today wait for women to make the first move? (2:19)
How is dating different at 18 vs. 28? Or is it different? Are the rules the same? Similar? (1:22)
Do you think a long distance romantic relationship can ever work? (1:29)
How does dating differ from courtship? (2:56)
Is it OK to not want to be friends with an ex-boyfriend? (1:51)
Will God allow you to fall in love with someone who wasn't meant to be your spouse? (1:56)