Video Advice » Parenting Channel Q & A Videos

How do you become a good parent when your parents were bad role models? (2:06)
What are some of the most important things that I as a parent can say or do for my children? (3:45)
What are your thoughts on "time out" as a disciplinary tool? (2:10)
What are your thoughts on children sleeping in the same bed as their parents? (1:42)
What are your thoughts on using Ritalin to treat ADHD? (1:32)
What are your thoughts on co-ed college dorms? (1:25)
My 18 year old son wants to get a tattoo. What should I do? (2:01)
Do you have any suggestions for easing the stress of a divorce for children? (2:27)
Do kids ever grow out of sibling rivalry? Is there hope for my grown children? (3:01)
How do I go about establishing a manageable family schedule? (4:21)
I notice some women seem to compete socially with their daughters. What is this about? (4:41)
My son has been arrested. How do I show my face at church and keep from killing him? (4:26)
What do you say to a child after they have suddenly lost a pet that was hit by a car? (3:47)
Is there such a thing as over-praising a child's accomplishment? (2:42)
How many extra curricular activities is too much for my high-schooler? (2:46)
How do you feel about working moms? (3:28)
What do I do if I don't want to buy something my teen wants? (2:43)
How do you help a teenager who continues to choose to date girls with low self esteem? (4:12)
How do you help a 21 year old boy or girl increase their own self esteem? (4:26)
My 10 yr old son's classmate is stealing. What should I do? (2:23)
Is spanking the right way to discipline children? (1:28)
How do you help a child who is bullied by his peers? (1:29)
My son is gay. Should I try to make him change or accept him as he is? (2:54)
How can I remain a presence in the lives of long distance children and grandchildren? (2:15)
How do I deal with my kids after a divorce to help them connect with me on a deeper level? (2:36)
I am about to marry a person who has children. How do I approach being a step-parent? (2:01)
What suggestions do you have for someone marrying into a blended family? (2:35)
How do you have balance with two parents and three children where one child is autistic? (2:02)
My therapist talks about the need for a good internalized structure. What does that mean? (4:36)
How do you teach your kids to not be swayed by peer pressure? (3:36)
My college-age son has no interest in attending church. What can I do to get him involved? (2:52)
How can I be a good father to my growing daughter? What tools do I need? (2:58)
How do you go about choosing a counselor for your child? The stakes seem so high! (3:04)
When parents have different discipline techniques, how do you resolve that? (1:49)
What is a good age for a daughter/son to start dating? (2:12)
Should dating rules be the same for a son and a daughter? (1:54)
When and how do I tell my young children about sex? (1:26)
How can I help my son develop a healthy self-image? He's very awkward. (2:31)
What are the most common mistakes parents make with disciplining their children? (2:50)
How should I discipline my child when she misbehaves in public? (1:36)
At what age should teenagers get a job to earn their own spending money? (2:02)
How can I get my kids to help out more around the home with chores? (2:52)
Is birth order really important in dealing with our children's personalities. (1:15)
How, as a mom, to address my son's feeling that he doesn't have a role model in his father? (1:44)
How do we pass on a Godly heritage to our children? (2:30)
How do you potty train a nearly 3 year old boy who is completely disinterested? (2:57)
How do you get a 10 months old to sleep through the night? (2:04)
What does the Bible mean when it says not to drive your children to wrath? (2:16)
How can I help my stepchildren establish boundaries with their unstable father? (3:02)
My 18 yr old son has consistently lied to me. How do we begin to gain trust again? (1:48)