What Do You Mean “Boundaries”? by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
The parents of a twenty-five-year-old man came to see me (Dr. Townsend) with a common request: they wanted me to “fix” their son, Bill. When I asked where Bill was, they answered, “Oh, he didn’t want to come.” “Why?” I asked. “Well, he doesn’t think he has a problem,” they replied. “Maybe he’s right,” I […]
The Simple Scoop on Boundaries
By Henry Cloud, Ph.D. When we wrote Boundaries in 1992, we had no idea what would happen with the book. We were just responding to a need that we perceived in the people we worked with. We had no idea how deeply felt that need actually was. As I was reflecting on what to say […]
Boundaries: Good in, Bad out
Boundaries help us to distinguish our property so that we can take care of it. They help us to “guard our heart with all diligence.” We need to keep things that will nurture us inside our fences and keep things that will harm us outside. In short, boundaries help us keep the good in and […]